Highland Park Porch Crawl
Saturday June 27, 2020 6 - 10 pm
Jackson Street
We loved having visitors to our outdoor oasis where you will find us hanging out whenever the weather is nice enough.
Elgin Street
Porch swing, church pew, mismatched chairs, and TV trays. This porch is always open for drop-by visits from neighbors and friends from far and near. And there are always the fixings for exotic cocktails and yummy snacks. Looking forward to seeing YOU!
Portland Street
Hosting was a lot of fun. We got to hang out with old friends and meet new ones... all just sitting on our porch -- one of our favorite summer activities!
Bryant Street
Even though I had few visitors last year, my porch felt very warm and welcoming. I hope all goes well with this year's crawl.
Elgin Street
I loved hosting HP porch crawl, it is well organized and advertised! It brings neighbors together! I love that wine will be served this year :)